Let's keep religion in its place...

Poor, poor Jerry Falwell. It seems he's fallen ill.
I grew up around televangelists. It's a subject close to my withered heathen heart.
Inspired by the late great Hunter Thompson (RIP), I offer my condolences, and offer up this Eulogy to all:
A Eulogy In Effigy Of God's Hater Of Sodomy.
He hates the sin, and hates the teletubbies even more.
He's God's angry Republican, and a mole for rightous goons.
He's a moralist, a pragmatist,
And quite possibly a terrorist;
A modern major general, and a righteous fucking bore.
He preached beneath the sun, while helping Rev. Moon.
He hates PTL and Swaggart for the Lord.
He hates them all for you and me.
He hates them out of love, you see.
He hates,
He hates,
He hates...
He especially hates buggery.
He rarely fed the poor. He never healed the sick.
His tirades ever-burning like the angel's flaming coal...
In the end, he's just afraid for his own asshole.
In the end, he was a righteous fucking dick.
Ashes to ashes...dust to dust.
I suppose some of you will think I'm being too hard on the old bastard. Clearly, you are operating with skewed information. Hell, even other Christians don't like him. Some have even sworn he's "next to fall." Apparently, they were prophets, afterall.
Rock on. Peace out. Fuck off.
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