A Mouth for War in a neverending battle...

Even most Christians would acknowledge that someone who is willing not only to die without question, but also lie, steal, threaten and kill for their beliefs is a terrorist. It's what defines terrorism. By this definition, there are an awful lot of Christian Terrorists in America, absolved only by virtue of being a majority. Whether through the inherent militancy of Absolute Truth, their sympathies with Imperialism, or their increasingly unsilent longings for Theocracy--and a special sort of "patriotism" that is defined only by sheer hatred for those who value the "wrong" sorts of freedom, it is clear that the War On Terror is much like the War On Drugs--it is a War On "Some" Terror.
Note that I did not say that Christians, in the general sense, were terrorists--that would be pretty silly. (Jesus Christ, people are sensitive...) Could you imagine some elderly Sunday School teacher with a bomb strapped to his back? (Well...I could, I guess, but that's because I'm an evil degenerate).
I'm just saying that, by the very definition of "terrorism" (see, a great many acts of "minor terrorism" are committed by the average, unwary fundamentalist.
Killing someone because they threatened the safety of our nation or our familes is an act of heroism and courage...whereas snuffing abortion doctors for Jesus is a terrorist act.
Calmly spraying bullets across a battlefield filled with hate-filled insurgents because they threatened our freedom is an act of patriotism. Gleefully filling them with unnecessary holes and committing gruesome prison rapes because they're non-white, non-Christian "infidels" and "barbarians" is something else altogether.
I'm simply saying there is a fine line. I'm also saying that we unknowingly utilize alot of terrorist tactics in our everyday dealings with our fellow man.
Allow me to list some examples.
Clocking some guy in a bar or pool hall because he made a religious (or political) comment you object to is a minor act of terrorism.
Creating a hostile environment, working or otherwise, for those of alternate faiths (or the faithless), is a minor act of terrorism.
Using the arbitrary prejudices of your socio-religious culture, hidden beneath the banner of "grooming standards," to obstruct someone from employment, due to their hair length, jewelry, facial hair preference, or dermal iconography (a "culturally sensitive" word for tattoos) is a minor act of terrorism.
(An exception would be child-friendly establishments vs. people with offensive tattoos, and jobs wherein long hair could present a danger, wherein even women would need abide. Otherwise, making a person trim their hair or shave their beard is emasculating, insensitive, and nothing short of an act of cultural bigotry.)
Legally forcing someone to abide by Victorian sexual standards, so far as to outlaw harmless, consensual forms of intercourse, is a minor act of terrorism.
Legally enforcing Draconian search and seizure laws and invasive surveillance procedures in the name of notoriously ineffectual drug enforcement programs is a minor act of terrorism. (Some would say "not-so-minor")
Legally and forcefully restricting language and expression to meet antiquated sentimental "values" is a minor act of terrorism.
Denying me my right to label and define such commonplace perversions as minor acts of terrorism is, itself, an act of minor terrorism.
I'm just saying that, by the very definition of "terrorism" (see, a great many acts of "minor terrorism" are committed by the average, unwary fundamentalist.
Killing someone because they threatened the safety of our nation or our familes is an act of heroism and courage...whereas snuffing abortion doctors for Jesus is a terrorist act.
Calmly spraying bullets across a battlefield filled with hate-filled insurgents because they threatened our freedom is an act of patriotism. Gleefully filling them with unnecessary holes and committing gruesome prison rapes because they're non-white, non-Christian "infidels" and "barbarians" is something else altogether.
I'm simply saying there is a fine line. I'm also saying that we unknowingly utilize alot of terrorist tactics in our everyday dealings with our fellow man.
Allow me to list some examples.
Clocking some guy in a bar or pool hall because he made a religious (or political) comment you object to is a minor act of terrorism.
Creating a hostile environment, working or otherwise, for those of alternate faiths (or the faithless), is a minor act of terrorism.
Using the arbitrary prejudices of your socio-religious culture, hidden beneath the banner of "grooming standards," to obstruct someone from employment, due to their hair length, jewelry, facial hair preference, or dermal iconography (a "culturally sensitive" word for tattoos) is a minor act of terrorism.
(An exception would be child-friendly establishments vs. people with offensive tattoos, and jobs wherein long hair could present a danger, wherein even women would need abide. Otherwise, making a person trim their hair or shave their beard is emasculating, insensitive, and nothing short of an act of cultural bigotry.)
Legally forcing someone to abide by Victorian sexual standards, so far as to outlaw harmless, consensual forms of intercourse, is a minor act of terrorism.
Legally enforcing Draconian search and seizure laws and invasive surveillance procedures in the name of notoriously ineffectual drug enforcement programs is a minor act of terrorism. (Some would say "not-so-minor")
Legally and forcefully restricting language and expression to meet antiquated sentimental "values" is a minor act of terrorism.
Denying me my right to label and define such commonplace perversions as minor acts of terrorism is, itself, an act of minor terrorism.
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