Who says I never win anything?

This website is the proud recipient of the CRYPTIC'S PICK AWARD, from Cryptic Eyellusions.
The Cryptic site has a great design, by the way.
Well, I guess I should thank all the little people...
I'd also like to take this opportunity to welcome some new friends to my "blogs of doom" list below. I do not "blogroll." I do not cheapen the reciprocal link. I link only to blogs I actually read, and recommend. Fuck this whole "mutual masturbation" thing--you like something or you don't. You don't promote the things you are indifferent to.
So, please welcome our new compatriots, Jenn (Jenius), Surrogate (Jesus Reporting), and tj (Zazzafooky). These are not all reciprocals; these are simply folks I've come to appreciate.
The Cryptic site has a great design, by the way.
Well, I guess I should thank all the little people...
I'd also like to take this opportunity to welcome some new friends to my "blogs of doom" list below. I do not "blogroll." I do not cheapen the reciprocal link. I link only to blogs I actually read, and recommend. Fuck this whole "mutual masturbation" thing--you like something or you don't. You don't promote the things you are indifferent to.
So, please welcome our new compatriots, Jenn (Jenius), Surrogate (Jesus Reporting), and tj (Zazzafooky). These are not all reciprocals; these are simply folks I've come to appreciate.
Surrogate and I plan to host a pseudo-political poetry slam on our blogs soon...I'll keep you all updated. Anyone is welcome to jump in...
And I think we are all familiar with Doug (whom I harass daily), Dot (whom I don't harass enough), Pikkel (don't call him "weezy"), Eva, and John, correct? And I don't think anybody can forget dear Roger and IconoBill. Even though they try... (For more of Roger's deliriously sacri-licious ranting, check out his message board, which is updated far more often than his blog).
Do to a work-related accident, my ability to post this week was hindered ever-so-slightly. But I assure you, I shall return sooner than later, with venom, and with vigor.
Now go buy some absinthe from the link below...and toss a shekel in my cup.
EDIT: Sweet Pickled Jesus...I forgot Freedom Girl! FG won me over back in May (I think) with her Wal-Mart post. I think you can find it somewhere around here. I still refer to it on occasion, when I can't think of anything to bitch about. Several years ago, Wal-Mart turned me down for a job because I was on prescription medication that complicated their drug-testing policy. I'm better off, I think.
I'm also adding Angel Devoid. It's one of those blogs that's just completely indescribable, like the Yawning Anus. Totally addictive.
Oh...one more thing: I've added Tom "Warrior" Fischer's blog to my list. Tom is an old hero of mine, having been the driving force behind inspired blackened art-thrash pioneers CELTIC FROST, whose albums you are scarcely worthy to own. (In addition to To Mega Therion, I like the one nobody seems to care about, Vanity/Nemesis). Check 'em out!
Ahh...my allies pile up like corpses in my yard... I love it.
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